Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Analyze this...

I think dreams are very interesting and I had a strange one two nights ago. I dreamed that I was participating in a triathalon. I, and all the other participants that were female, started the triathalon 9 months pregnant and almost ready to deliver! After we completed the swimming portion, we gave birth to our little babies. Then the babies were taken from us to be cleaned up, etc. and all of the women jumped on our bikes for the second part of the race. After the bike portion, we had to go into this holding area to retrieve our babies. The goal was to run the last part of the race with our new babies strapped on in little carriers. I never actually got to the running part of the race because the holding spot where we were supposed to get our babies was backed up! I started getting really nervous that they weren't going to give me my baby and that it was taking so long for them to bring our babies to us. They kept bringing babies in and all of the women would ooh and ahh and then wait to hear our name called to see if that baby was ours! Very strange! I'm not really sure what happened after that, I just know that I felt really anxious in my dream. The whole triathalon, labor concept was very interesting though...

1 comment:

  1. I guess you have discovered the crazy dreams of pregnancy :)!
