Saturday, June 27, 2009

Baby Sling

Last night Mark and I were online looking at all of the crazy baby stuff there is in the world and we ran across some videos on you tube about how to make your own sling. Of course, today we were off on a sling adventure. We picked out some fabric and found some rings and came home to do some sewing. I want to brag on Mark and say that he made the whole thing. However, I also want to assure you that it was a VERY simple project. Mark succeeds at sewing because he has the patience to last through when the bobbin thread runs out, the thread breaks, the needles break and much more! I'm so thankful for his patience and his mechanical and (housewife) abilities. :-)

Below are two pictures of my new sling. Not the prettiest pictures of me and of course it will be much better when there is a baby in the sling and not Sophie! I think she is getting tired of being the baby!!


  1. Wow Mark, I'm impressed. This will be so useful when little Caroline arrives. You (two) will be using this all the time. Great job!

  2. Looks nice!! I made my own ring slings when I was pg with my daughter. My daughter LIVED in her sling for the first six months and we used it quite frequently after that until she was about two years old.
