Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

I will admit that in the past I have let some of the craziness of the holidays get to me.  Not this year!  Thanksgiving snuck up on me so fast there was no time to feel the craziness.  We had a truly wonderful Thanksgiving this year! 

Caroline and I woke up early to go cheer on Daddy as he ran in his first even 10k!  He did a great job and beat his goal time!

Mark looks pretty good, even after 6 miles!

We arrived home to find Lindsay and Libby doing some planning for the Black Friday extravaganza.  We may have scored a "new" refrigerator since Lindsay and Brad got a real new one on the big shopping day!

One of the reasons that Thanksgiving seemed so wonderful this year is because everyone had their part in helping out. 

Caroline is getting to be quite the little chef too.  She helped make some chocolate chip cookies before everyone arrived!

We started one new tradition...writing things we are thankful for on our table runner.  We then write our name/year next to it and will pull it out again next year and add to it.  We were trying to write things unique to us or this year (Mom wrote about her Sew Divine business and Mark I wrote about the addition of Baby Libby to our family).

We also continued the traditions from Vern's family of doing puzzles together at the holidays.  The whole family took part in the 1000 piece puzzle and completed it in 24 hours.  I will admit that I contributed the fewest pieces.  

Other than that, we just hung out and enjoyed the company of family.  We watched my new favorite cartoon "Sid, the Science Kid." 

I'm beginning to consider a tv...

Yea for restful, fun family time!

1 comment:

  1. It was a GREAT Thanksgiving. Thank you for making it a relaxing but special time together with family because that's what it's really all about ... FAMILY and giving thanks! Love you all. Madre aka Gigi
