Thursday, September 10, 2009

Good day

Today was a good day and I hope it is the start of a string of them! Caroline and I got up about 8:30 and met my friend Adrienne around 9:30 for a little jog! We then came home and took a little nap together. After Caroline woke up we baked some blueberry bread. She was worn out after that adventure and took another nap. While she napped I folded laundry, prepared dinner and picked up around the house. I'm looking forward to a good dinner shortly and our nightly routine of bathtime and reading! Then off to bed we go....(It sure sounds like we do a lot of sleeping! There were some other events in there like eating, being on facebook, playing with buggy and many more things but that was the basics.)

I have been a little bummed because Caroline hadn't been taking naps and was a little fussy. However, today she acted like how I thought babies were supposed to act. Eating, sleeping, playing a little. It was great! I hope we are on our way to a routine!! Plus, I have learned to better understand when she is tired, when she is hungry and when she just wants some lovin'. I'm thankful for this time with her and hope that we will continue to do well and learn each other!

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