Saturday, January 16, 2010

Baby food...

makes for stinky diapers! We fed Caroline her first bit of real food last night....a mashed up avocado. She didn't really like it but she tolerated it. Today she has had several yucky diapers!! Since we were so excited about all her stinkiness we decided to make her some more baby food today. I was/am really excited about making her own baby food. One, it's really healthy since it is pure fruits and vegetables with no preservatives. It's also a lot cheaper than buying baby food and it's really easy to make. Mark thinks I got in a little over my head because I cooked carrots, peas and green beans and wanted to puree bananas and pears too. However, it is all coming together very easily and I think all this food will last for a couple of months! Yipee! I'm really excited about this new adventure in food tasting!

1 comment:

  1. Good for your sweetie. You really are a becoming sooo domestic and Caroline is going to be such a healthy eater. Have fun!!
