Sunday, January 10, 2010

The lightbulb just came on...

I have been wondering for a few weeks now about Caroline's pacifier use. She did not take a pacifier in the beginning and she started sleeping through the night around 8 weeks or so. We were thrilled. She started taking the pacifier regularly around 3 months or so. She then got sick for several weeks and then we traveled a few times and had visitors here at our house. Throughout the sickness, visitors, and traveling she was no longer sleeping through the night. I contributed her poor sleep to those interruptions. However, looking back I think it was the pacifier that did it! She was sleeping through the night without it. But since it is used consistently she now wakes about 3 times a night and we have to go put the pacifier back in. She goes right back to sleep but the interruptions aren't good for us.

The question is now what? She is at a point where her cry is so hard to hear. It's a grown up cry and she knows when we come to comfort her. Do we "suffer" through the next several months giving her the pacifier or let her "cry it out"?

This morning we took Caroline to the chapel service at church. The pacifier was a help when she decided to share her joyful screams. Is the pacifier a necessary evil?

1 comment:

  1. It took me WAY too long to take the "cry it out" approach, but once I stuck with it, we finally got some sleep. We didn't have the pacifier factor, though, just a little boy who wanted to eat all night.
