Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Sometimes I can hardly believe how much sadness and hurt there is in the world. Recently, it seems there is always something. I turn on the news or talk to a friend or family member. Someone has died or is sick, there's depression and financial problems, divorces and jealousy. My life is so good. I find it hard to complain (although I do sometimes) about what's going on in my life. Since I feel good it's easy to put blinders on and not fully take in the hurt that others are feeling. Lately though I've just been in awe of the problems that my friends, family, others in my community face. I can't imagine how I would handle some of those same situations. I might just want to crawl into a hole and stay there awhile. I was sharing with Mark the other night how aware I was of the sadness in the world and he immediately did the guy thing and tried to fix me. I'm not depressed myself, I'm just more aware of the hurt. I have so much time to do good, to be an encourager. I've been really seeking out ways to do that on a consistent basis. I can't change the world or do everything but I would like to find some way that I can love and care for others. I hope that I will continue to be challenged in this way and that I will find ways to honor God and others with my time.

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