Sunday, June 19, 2011


Just a few pictures from this last week that made me smile...

We had lunch with Noelle and William the other day and Caroline decided that it was funny to put the bag on her head.  She is silly and laughing all the time at home with me and Mark but I think this is one of the first times that she spontaneously did something silly of her own accord.  She can be such a shy girl in public and since she was very quiet while doing it, I didn't discourage her.   :-)

We went swimming with Sarah and "Reggie" one afternoon. They are such sweet friends and it's been a blessing to have the girls so close in age.  It's hard to believe that in a few short weeks we will both we adding number two to our families!

Caroline gave me a popeye smile as we created our Fathers Day goodies this week.

I think she really enjoyed finger painting for the first time. 

We are still in the midst of baby love!  She has been kissing my belly a bunch, carrying around her own baby dolls and...

feeding her real life friends (who are totally capable of feeding themselves).  :-)  She is a sweet girl.   


  1. I love your pictures ... Caroline kissing your belly is so very sweet and then feeding the little boy. I think when her little brother or sister gets here she is going to be a great big help and very loving too. Audrey had that same loving nature from day one and still is that way today, always kissing and hugging on Zach. We will see very soon. :)

  2. I LOVE the picture of Caroline feeding Grant!!! SO CUTE!
