I think I might be turning into the Grinch. I don't want to be the Grinch and I'm not sure that I have officially turned into him but I may be getting close. The whole present thing is just too much.
1) There is the whole money issue. I won't even go into all those details. I've been spending too much!
2) Then there is the present itself. I have ideas of what I want to get for certain people. When I go to the store and can't find what I want I get so frustrated. Time is ticking away and I'm determined to still find the exact things that I want.
3) On the other side, I have those people on my list that I have no idea what to get. Their name comes to mind and question marks appear ???
3) Time - I decided that I wanted to make lots of homemade presents this year. It all started out so lovely but the chances of it happening are looking pretty slim. Once again the clock is ticking...
4) Caroline adds another issue. She is just getting one present, a build a bear from us (don't tell her). We just have to make it to the store... However, she has all of these wonderful nursery workers and babysitters. I want to buy something small for them. But what? We've all talked to those teachers who receive candles and jewelry and other things that they will never use. What do you do?
I'm just worn out from all the shopping and buying. I've told my family several times that I wish we didn't have to do it all but they don't seem to care. They just don't seem as stressed about it all as me. Maybe next year I'll do better.