Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Sometimes I write just so I can remember later or remind myself that the subject matter is important.  I once read that if you write down your goals they have a much higher percentage chance of happening.  The act of writing seals the deal. 

My new goal is to pare down my schedule and to value my time with God and my time at home.  For a couple of years now I have been dealing with continuous job changes.  My most recent change went from working 10 hours a week to 20 hours a week.  The work is not hard and I am committed to doing it (at this point) but I have realized that being committed to 20 hours a week somewhere means 20 hours less of time with Caroline.  The problem is not only work though.  The other commitments that I have regularly and the stuff that I add in at the last minute make my weekly calendar feel like its busting at the seams. 

Why do I constantly say yes to things that I can't fit into my schedule and leave me feeling insane?  Mark and I were talking last night and I like to think that I'm doing my best to follow God in all of my extra calendar filling.  Of course, God reminded me this morning once again that it's not really about works or a full calendar at all.  I was reading My Utmost for His Highest and my good buddy Oswald was reminding us that Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world..."  The world is full of busyness and schedules.  We try to make our calendars as full as possible but Jesus did not call us to enter into this rat race.  Jesus calls us to enter into a deeper relationship with Him. 

I'm sure I have written about this subject before and I'm sure this won't be the last time.  I was struck last night with how much I was missing peace and quiet with God, peace in my home and time with those I treasure the most.  Here's to making a renewed effort to know God more and to not fill my life with busyness!

1 comment:

  1. I'm having the same dilemma lately. Eli has been in school 2 days a week for two months, and I have only spent one day at home having one-on-one time with Grant. I have been out and about all the other times he has been in school. So many missed opportunities to spend time with my baby. Not to mention, I was telling John that I always feel like I am doing "kid swap" with him. When one of us walks in, the other one passes off the kids to go do something. I am glad to see you making the commitment to change over-scheduling, and hope I am soon to follow!
