Sunday, November 28, 2010


Thanksgiving felt a little bit like this...

crazy, chaos at our home.  Lindsay, Brad and Kelsey joined us along with three other couples and a couple little ones from our Sunday School class.  We were really thankful to have a houseful of loving friends and family with whom we could celebrate the day.  Although, I think it still surprises me what a difference there is in my "normal" yearly traditions now that we have little ones toddling around.  We are now busy feeding babies

and keeping them entertained. 

I was reminded of the importance of traditions and teaching them to Caroline. Of course, they need to be age appropriate but I hope that they will instill in her the meaning of the holidays.  Although I may have felt a little crazy keeping up the activities of the little ones, the meaning of Thanksgiving did not go unnoticed.  I am thankful for our table full of family, friends and food and for the warm home in which we could gather. 

I was especially grateful to have my sister with me.  My Mom has always made "family" a big deal and even more so around the holidays.  While Mom and Vern were in Belize, Mark's parents in Springfield and my Dad and Janet in Ohio, it was a blessing to share Thanksgiving with Lindsay.  I am thankful for my family and for the friends that are increasing our sense of family.  I look forward to more folks at our home next year and maybe a tradition or two so that we can acknowledge the meaning.

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