Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Let's Get Physical

OK, not really.  Blog titles are so annoying.  I should boycott them.

Before I got pregnant this time I talked with Mark about how much it requires of me physically.  There are two parts to this.  Before getting pregnant, being pregnant and the first year of a babies life are all very physically demanding for a mama.  There are foods, drinks, medicines, etc that you can no longer enjoy.  There is the "morning sickness" that comes anytime day or night. Of course, there is the growing belly.  There is the tiredness that comes from carrying a baby while pregnant and afterwards and the general sleeplessness.  Then the breastfeeding afterwards...oh my that's another whole blog. 

The other aspect that really affects me is the lack of physical activity that I can do while pregnant.  I know there are those super women who exercise like feigns while pregnant (I desperately want to be that person) but it just doesn't happen.  There is no more training more triathlons, no more running, no more just doesn't happen.  I can't sign up for races.  It's really a sacrifice for me not to train with a goal in mind, to compete and have something to look forward to.

Mark and I talked about all of this several times but of course a baby is much more important than all of this!  One quick silly story...our friends Dustin and Adrienne had a hand writing expert at Dustin's birthday party.  The handwriting expert said that I was a very physical person and that I like to push myself and have goals for myself physically.  I left telling Mark, see, I told you.  :-)

All of this said, I could have never imagined how draining this pregnancy would be for me.  I have not felt like myself physically for a couple of months now.  People keep asking if I am better and I kind of nod that everything is fine.  I don't mean to lie. I'm not really fine.  What do I say?  I don't feel like myself.  I am not sleeping well, despite taking sleeping pills nightly.  I am nauseous and have heart burn most everyday.  I feel like I'm living with the flu everyday.  I now have a cold on top of it.  I'm just drained.  I'm 16 weeks tomorrow so the first trimester has come and gone.  Now all I keep thinking is that I have to feel this way until July.  Eeks.  I have no doubt that all of this will be worth it once the little babe arrives but in the mean time I am just worn out.

1 comment:

  1. You're not alone. I am drained and just feel like a completely different person. The exhaustion is at a level I've never experienced (it's not like the "I have a new born" exhaustion, you know?!). Hang in there! July will be here before we know it...I hope!! :)
