Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mark's home!

Mark just got in town tonight and boy am I thankful!!  Monday to Wednesday is doable most every week but Monday to Thursday just wears me out!!  It's crazy how that extra night just takes it out of me!  Tonight Caroline and I ate dinner at Chick-fil-a and I can't tell you how thankful I was for the lady that walks around the restaurant and asks if you need anything.  We didn't need anything but after spending many days by myself it was so nice to have someone ask repeatedly if she could get anything for us.  She smiled and talked with Caroline.  She got Caroline a drink refill and brought her a cow hat to wear.  All of the extra attention made me feel so cared for!  If going to Chick-fil-a makes me feel loved it's obvious my love tank must be a little low!!

I've been trying to have something planned for everyday so that it will make the days go faster but this week was a bit of a challenge.  I did not have work or life group this week because of spring break.  However, we did find some other trouble to get into.  :-)

Caroline "painted" for the first time ever.  It's really crazy all of the stuff they have for kids now.  This paint is magic!  It is clear and only shows up as a color when you put it on this special paper.  No mess to clean up and a happy Caroline for about 30 minutes.   Yipee!

Caroline still surprises me every day with the things that she is learning.  We've been potty training for what seems like an eternity now but this week we have hit a new high and I think we are just about done!  She's been wearing panties every day!  She's also talking a lot more!  She is able to put two words together too.  Although she has been saying these for awhile, her favorite words are hi, bye and no.  When I go to put her down for her nap, I try to say, "Sweet dreams, love you, see you soon" etc. but she will have none of it.  As we walk into the room she says, "Bye" very matter of factly.  I slip in a quick, "I love you" and down she goes!

Tonight after arriving home from dinner, I got her out of the car and told her we were going to take a bath.  She told me she wanted to play and ran out into the driveway. I said no we were going to take a bath and I headed inside, hoping she would follow.  Of course, this was not the case, I turned around a few moments later and she had already made it all the way around to the front of the house and was sitting on the front porch.  We "play" on the front porch every day.  :-)  

Thankfully, Daddy arrived home right after this little stunt and she got in lots of good play time and giggles.  As we were telling her it was just about time for bed, she layed down on the floor like she was going to sleep and Mark copied.  Soon she was patting Mark on the back to wake up and saying, "hi."  Of course, that was not good enough.  She soon put herself back to "sleep" on the floor and proceeded to pat herself on the back and then pop up with a "hi."  I love watching her play with Mark in the evenings.  She always gets so silly and giggly!

1 comment:

  1. What a big girl! She's going to be potty trained by the time her little brother or sister arrives in July. Way to go Caroline!!
