Friday, January 20, 2012


"My peoples" (as Caroline would say) and I run in a fairly tight little circle.  Our Sunday School class is a pretty close little group and then I am blessed enough to add a sister and brother in law in the mix.  I have been learning a lot lately about the importance of words but also the intent behind the words.  I ran across the verse/idea below on one of my favorite blogs today and am thinking that I need to be practicing this more often.  I think I may be talking a lot less!  :-)

"My wise friend Holly taught me years ago to put the ugly and unkind things through the Phillipians 4:8 test:
Is it true?
The best, not the worst?
Beautiful, not the ugly?
Because these are the things God tells us to dwell on."

1 comment:

  1. When I read the part about Sunday school, it made me SO sad!!! Miss y'all! I am going to apply this verse/test to my own life-I am guilty of not thinking before I speak!! Good post!
