Monday, February 27, 2012


Because of our schedules, we go through spurts where we see Brad, Lindsay and Kelsey frequently and other times where we just catch up at church.  We have spent a good bit of time together recently and it's been such a blessing because Kelsey and Caroline have turned into the best of buddies.  They often will run upstairs and play by themselves and then we get to listen on the monitor which is always lots of fun.  :-)  I think one of my favorites was Kelsey asking Caroline if she could jump on the bed.  Caroline said, "My daddy said no more monkees jumping on the bed!"  Whew, she's actually listening sometimes.  :-)  Kelsey responded happily, "OK."  When they were infants we always talked about how great it would be when they could actually run off and play together.  It has begun!

Vern took some sweet/funny pictures of them both while they visited a few weekends ago.

Something really interesting I'm sure...  :-)

Love them both!!

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet cousins ... they are best friends for sure. Gigi loves her smart, sweet, funny girls.
