I'm continually learning that I'm learning. I've never claimed to be the smartest or the best at anything. I try hard to do things right the first time but I do make mistakes (shocking, right?). After our insurance debacle, which still is not settled, I talked with my dad and he said, "Shame on you for not realizing the mistake earlier." Well sure, I agree that I should have found the mistake earlier, that's why an entire paragraph stated that in a previous post. However, I have recently found more "mistakes" in our banking and other areas. Although I am not perfect, it really makes me wonder if I pay as much attention as I do to our budget, bills, etc. and still miss things occassionally, what is happening to people who don't pay attention at all? I have come to the conclusion that all people, me included, make mistakes. However, businesses, companies and other people are always out for their best interest and it's a FULL time job making sure that others aren't taking advantage of you! Maybe that's part of why I'm going to be a stay at home mom/wife/house manager. Surely, the more time that I spend analzying our household, the more money I can find that is being mistaknely or otherwise wasted away...
Another thought kind of related to the above...sometimes I think God allows for there to be "mistakes" or for us to be comfortable in a certain position because later on it will become helpful. For example, even though it's frustrating that the insurance has made a mistake, when we get our money back, it will be helpful for buying baby stuff. Otherwise, the money would have already been spent and long gone. Also, Mark has had a good portion of his paycheck witheld for taxes. So far, it has worked well for us. Every year we get a big spring present! This year, we are getting another spring present which works well for savings and baby stuff. However, we have also discussed that this may be the time to re-examine how much we are having witheld so that we can have some more room for the family to grow. I guess some people would say that it's not good for the government to be "borrowing" our money all year but we don't mind. It's been like a nice savings plan for us. Now that we no longer want the government saving our money, we can make some changes. In a strange way, it's kind of like God has been providing at the most needed times in ways different than I could have ever imagined. :-)
On another exciting note...my stomach is feeling bigger. Sure, it's looking a little bigger but today is
feels big for the first time. It feels funny to sit down and it kind of feels like I'm smooshing the baby depending on how I sit, crunch or move. It's an interesting feeling...
Finally, I feel very grateful today because Mark still has a job. There were some layoffs at his company today. The economy is certainly making things scary, but I do believe as I said earlier that God will continue to provide for us whatever happens, it may just be different that we ever imagined it would be.