Sunday, April 4, 2010

Answered Prayer

This mornings Easter sermon was not the typical Easter sermon. John preached on how sometimes God is silent in our lives. I have experienced God being silent once or twice in my life and it is such a bummer (although John did point out some positive things about silence). On the other hand, I am thankful that one of my most recent prayer requests was not answered with silence. I clearly heard what God wanted me to do! Yipee!

I have been struggling for awhile about whether or not to keep my job screening babies hearing at the hospital. The job is super easy, really fun and pays really great for a part-time job!! All of that is great, except for the fact that we started having to pay for daycare. Financially the job just wasn't worth it anymore. I prayed about it and talked with Mark and we made the decision that I would quit. I don't like to quit but I knew it was the right thing to do. The crazy thing is that after I quit, my boss told me that due to some changes that corporate was making they were going to have to change "my" screening day to Monday, instead of Thursday. I can't work Mondays because that is the day that I work at the church. Hearing about that change was good confirmation for me that I had truly heard God. It doesn't happen often!

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