Monday, April 12, 2010


A few weeks ago I wrote a post about how much sadness there is in the world. In the past couple of weeks I have known two men who passed away. There seems to be constant news of sickness or earthquakes or fires or a myriad of other things that we can't control.

Tonight the sadness came with a reminder of an old truth. There is a lot that we can control. So much of the sadness in the world has to do with sin. As I was reading my email tonight I read about one of my old youth who is pregnant and getting married this weekend. She is just a senior in high school. I feel sad for her. How could she make such a decision? She has chosen to live in contrast to God's desires for her and now she is reaping the consequences. It sounds so harsh! I don't mean to sound harsh. My heart is breaking for her.

How many times have I broken God's heart when I have chosen to go against him?

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