Monday, April 12, 2010

Something new everyday!

In Sunday School the other day, I was talking to some of the other moms about our blogs and how they are really just a place for us to brag on our kids. I certainly think Caroline is special and I love to brag on her but I'm really just amazed at how she does something new each day. The process of growing and learning is so fun to watch! Just today I went to get her from her nap and she was sitting up in bed! It's really shocking that this morning she didn't know how to go from laying to sitting and now she can do it. I know that before long she will be standing when I go to get her!

Another first...Caroline has been eating baby food for several months now but the past few weeks we have been giving her bites of real food at dinner. As you can see from her size, she is a great eater. She is like a little bird! You bring your hand anywhere close to her face and she opens her little mouth right up! I had been getting a little frustrated though because I kept trying to get her to feed herself. She is capable of picking up all sorts of things and putting them in her mouth. However, she just would not pick the food off of her tray and eat it. I was beginning to think that she was spoiled rotten (which I still think she is)!

I dropped her off at day care with some little puff snacks. I told the daycare workers that she did not know how to pick them up by herself but if you fed her she would eat them. They said they would teach her (you know where this is going). I pick her up from daycare and they don't say a word about her eating. I get home and as I'm cooking dinner I drop a few puffs on her tray. She immediately picks one up and puts it in her mouth, like she has been doing it for years!!! How does that even happen?!?! At breakfast this morning she would have nothing to do with eating on her own. At dinner tonight, she can feed herself. Is it daycare magic? Did she just make the decision to do it? I'm really baffled by the whole thing. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal. I'm glad that she can feed herself but I'm really just amazed that it was a complete 180 in a day.

She still has some work to do! This picture shows the leftovers from todays lunch (the snot running out of her nose just adds a little extra kick to her lunch)!

Sophie has now staked out a spot next to her high chair too! Maybe they will become friends at last.

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