Monday, April 12, 2010


Friday, Mark and I were able to go to the Masters. I'm so thankful that Mark has started to enjoy the Masters tradition. It's always fun to get out and see the golfers and The Augusta National is beautiful. However, I think one of my favorite parts is the people watching.

A couple of funny people stories for you...

On the way to the tournament there was a ton of traffic. We had been sitting in traffic for about 30 minutes when all of a sudden we look behind us and there is an old, southern (buttoned sweater, pearls and hat) lady banging on the window of the car behind us. The car behind us had apparently pulled out in front of her and her husband. She must have been a serious golf fan because she was ticked that this car had pulled in front of her. She was banging on the window and yelling at the young guy driving. I mentioned to Mark that we should say something and before I could say anymore Mark had rolled down his window and told her to get back in her car(this is sooo unlike Mark)! Of course, she then felt the need to come and fuss at us. The funny thing is she really didn't have anything to say. Mark told her she was being silly and should get back in her car. Her only response, "Oh really. Really?" Umm...yes. The conclusion of the story....we made it into the course before they did. :-)

We also got to overhear some great old men conversations! Two old men sitting in front of us. One telling the other that his first Masters was 1958! WOW! He made sure to point out to his friend that he missed 1960 when Arnold Palmer won because his daughter was sick. He must have been a good daddy.

We then had two old men that were sitting behind us. One of the young golfers was wearing pink pants and they just couldn't make enough jokes about the pink pants. "How many penalty shots do you start with for wearing pink pants." "No one wearing pink pants can make a good shot" (the guy overshot the green after this comment). "God would never let someone wearing pink pants to win." "There isn't anyone who can wear pink pants...except for my Dad." They also had a conversation about Sandy whom one of the men had dated. "Whatever happened to Sandy? Did you show her how dirty you are?" "I really liked Sandy. She was a modern woman." I wish that I could have met Sandy! I could barely control my giggles.

We had a great time people watching, sitting in the sunshine and chatting with one another. Thanks to Mom and Vern for the tickets!

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