Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Farmers Market Basket

We just got our first Farmers Market Basket.

I'm not quite sure why this is so appealing. I could easily buy all of this stuff at the grocery store but something about it makes me feel so fresh and healthy. :-) I think the two benefits are 1)The basket contains fruit/veggies that are in season. I have no idea what is normally in season so I just buy what I want and don't always end up with the best tasting fruits and veggies. 2) The basket is cheaper than what I could put together in the store. We will get a basket this size every other week for $18. Today we got carrots, green beans, zucchini, potatoes, pears, oranges, apples, bananas and corn. We got two leafy things and I honestly am not positive about what they are. I think one is bok choy (I saw Noelle buy it once so I think that is right). I think the other is kale because today the Farmers Market people sent a recipe email with kale "chips". Otherwise I would have had no idea what it was! I told Mark that we both are going to have to be adventurous in trying the new food and new recipes. I have never cooked with either of the last two ingredients before!

Caroline enjoyed playing with one of the leafy items for awhile.

Then she decided a taste was necessary.

I think we have the verdict.

1 comment:

  1. Where do you pick your basket up? I know we talked about it in class, but didn't know what became of it. I would love to get one, too.
