Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some thoughts from 35,000'

As I'm typing this, I'm flying to Dallas to do a short training program that I've done three or four times before. I wish I could say that I'm excited about the training or the trip to Dallas, but I'm not. Every so often, I get that feeling that says that I'm travelling too much. Don't get me wrong, I love travelling, and flying especially. I also love being home. I can't really describe how much I love waking up with Nicole, hanging out on the front steps watching nothing in particular with her. I am crazy excited about our baby joining us soon and the awesome things she will teach us. And at this moment, I'm zooming west, away from all of that. I'm blessed to have a job, and to have a job that lets me do what I need to do without a bunch of oversight. I can schedule what I need to schedule in order to get the results we all want. Lately, there have been some BIG opportunities that have dictated that I hop on a plane and fly off to somewhere for a few days. It's bitter sweet.

I don't know where God is leading me but I do know that I'm following him. Probably from a farther distance than I'd like, but certainly close enough to feel His approval of many of the things I do, and don't do, I suppose.

The flight attendant just gave me THREE Biscoff cookies. My favorite!

I am a blessed man and don't feel scared or nervous about the responsibilities that such blessings require. I may not know what I'll have for dinner, or if I'll have dinner at all, but I know that my Lord provides for me far beyond what I deserve and what I've earned.

Below me, out my window to the right is a small lake with several towns dotted along it's shore. I wonder what they're going to wake up and do today. I wonder if they know the peace I have. I wonder if she'll bring me more Biscoff cookies.


  1. You didn't take that picture of the plane wing, did you?

  2. Yes I did! With my Treo! I uploaded it to my computer and "posted" when I got hooked up to the internet here at the hotel.
