Wednesday, May 6, 2009

paid in full

I'm hoping that our $52 cup of ice will be paid for in full after all of my hard work this morning. Several months ago I wrote a post about the mistake that our insurance company had made. To make a long story kind of short, they eventually admitted that there were problems and we have since been trying to get a refund. It turns out that they have decided to send our refund money to each individuals doctors office. How sweet of them. I have spent the morning writing a letter to each doctor, documenting the date of service, money owed, etc. Yuck. I'm just hoping to hear back from them!

While this entire situation has been very stressful and annoying (I'm still not even sure that the insurance company or doctors are giving us all the information that they should) I'm trying to be positive about it. I'm going to go ahead and take claim for finding this mistake not only for Mark and me but for many other families. The insurance lady told Mark that all of the families that use the same contracted company as us, had the same exact problem. I'm choosing to believe that the insurance company would have come to us with the problem had they or another family noticed it in the two years prior that the mistakes had been made. However, no attempt was made to correct the problem in two years, until I, the official whistle blower brought it to their attention. My dad made me feel pretty stupid by saying, "Shame on you, you should have noticed it earlier." However, there are obviously many other families that are now dealing with the same issue because I brought it to their attention. Congratulations to me!

Now if we could just get all of our money back...

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