Friday, May 1, 2009

Let It Be Finished, Let It Be Done

So it's finally done! We bought the (third set of) screws for the knobs this evening and they were long enough and wide enough. The first picture looks like the thing is sitting on a cloud or something. It's exactly the way Nicole's new camera saw it. Whatever.
This is a picture of me holding in my gut next to the very thing that I bled for multiple times. No more bleeding for this piece. For the record, this is all S2S 4/4 red oak with two coats of Minwax Red Mohagany stain topped with a sprayed-on Minwax Poly. Other than the metal screws, the clips to hold the top on and the four wooden knobs, I made everything myself. Up next will be a chair-side table to hold a lamp, glass of water, and a book.


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