Wednesday, April 29, 2009

sweet thoughts

A couple of folks have shared some sweet sentiments since I have been pregnant. On Easter Sunday in Augusta, our pastor greeted Lindsay and I by saying, "I love your bellies. You have life in you." (I actually did not hear him say this because someone else was talking to me at the time, but Lindsay and Brad told me that is what he said later). Life inside me...the words are thought provoking on many levels.

Then the other day as I was talking with my neighbor he said, "Just think, right now He is knitting away on her." As I sat and read my devotion this morning, I read Psalm 139 where it says, " knit me together in my mothers womb." I love the thought of God knitting away on her. I can't wait to see God's little creation!

1 comment:

  1. It truly is a miracle. Our God is amazing and to think He knows everything about Caroline, from the tiniest detail of her makeup to who she will become - he has a plan for her life. He knows her and loves her even more than we do. Hard to imagine.
