Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Goodbye job

I have been wanting to quit my job at Ann Taylor Loft for months now and today I finally turned in my two weeks notice. Don't you think it was nice of me to turn in two weeks notice to such a silly little job!? I'm just really glad that I finally did it. I may be sitting around bored for a few months but at least I don't have to feel like a loser with a graduate degree working at a clothing store, being told when to greet clients and how to "sell" credit cards! Whew...the pain is almost over. On the other hand, our wallet may experience a little more pain since it will be minus a very small paycheck and I will no longer receive a monstrous discount on my clothing! However, it's a trade off that I willingly accept!

1 comment:

  1. I know you have been dissatisfied working there. Enjoy knitting and preparing for the arrival of our little granddaughter I-DA Pretty Girl Taylor. You will be a much happier little MaMa.
