Monday, January 19, 2009

Belly Laughs!

Just a quick note to say that I am sitting here watching Mark read a book by Jenny McCarthy entitled, "Belly Laughs." I've only read the first few pages but it is apparently a raunchy book for women about being pregnant. Although Mark has never been one to like raunchy humor, he seems to be enjoying it...and I'm getting a belly laugh out of that!

Update: After reading the post above, Mark stated, "You don't know me very well." Hmmmm....


  1. You can't say I didn't warn you about the "raunchiness" :). Hope y'all are enjoying it! And btw, I am totally thrilled I can keep up with your pregnancy now! I love the blog!

  2. I read that book while I was is pretty hilaious!!! You will then have to read Baby Laughs!!
